
Development of by-product applications and full-scale commercial production

SMM is beginning the full-scale commercial production of scandium and chromite. These are produced as byproducts of HPAL technology, which SMM was the first in the world to successfully commercialize, and we are proceeding with the construction of a recovery plant at THPAL.

Scandium is expected to be used in applications such as fuel cells, and SMM has already concluded a long-term sales agreement with a major US-based company that will use it for fuel cells. And chromite is used widely as a material for specialty steels, such as stainless steel.

By proceeding to efficiently recover these resources, SMM will increase the added value of HPAL technology and further improve the superiority of its nickel business.

Potential of Scandium

Scandium oxide applications: Fuel cells (electrolyte, anode material), new markets (LED, lasers, electronic industry material, additive for structural metals, new smelting and refining processes). AI-Sc master alloy (scandium:2%) applications:Aluminum scandium alloys (aircraft, automobiles, bicycles)