SustainabilitySumitomo Metal Mining Recognized on the CDP Climate A List
InvestorsConsolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter Ended December 31, 2024
InvestorsNotice regarding Revisions Made to Consolidated Operating Results Forecast, Recording of Impairment Loss, and Revisions Made to Dividend Forecast
InvestorsSupplementary Explanation Materials for Telephone Conference of Financial Summary of 3rd Quarter FY2024
InvestorsNotice regarding the Schedule of the next 3-Year Business Plan
BusinessSumitomo Metal Mining to Acquire Additional Shares of Coral Bay Nickel Corporation
Sustainability CorporationCoral Bay Nickel Corporation Wins Three Awards from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
InvestorsUpdated Corporate Governance Report
BusinessSumitomo Metal Mining and Hyuga Smelting to Introduce a New Production Facility for Nickel Matte
BusinessSumitomo Metal Mining and Rio Tinto Sign a Term Sheet Regarding the Acquisition of a 30% Interest in the Winu Copper-Gold Project in Australia
Business Overview
Creating the future from the integration of
Mineral Resource × Smelting and Refining × Materials
Mineral Resource business, where we undertake mine development and operation in consideration of the environment and society. Smelting and refining business, where we create high-quality metal materials from extracted mineral ore.And Materials business, where we add to these materials the new value that the times demand.The collaboration between these three business areas forms a business model that is globally unique, and enables us to provide materials to shape the future.
The foundations and future of Sumitomo Metal Mining
Going forward together with the planet, society, and people
At Sumitomo Metal Mining, our corporate philosophy incorporates sustainable co-existence with the global environment and respect for all individuals, and with the goal of achieving our long-term vision of becoming the world leader in the non-ferrous metals industry, we aim to maximize our corporate value by contributing to the resolution of social issues and the realization of a sustainable society.