Co-Existence and Mutual Prosperity with Local Communities

Understanding Issues through Dialogue with Local Communities

The Ome District Division and the Tama University Research Institute collaborated to conduct a model project for dialogue and collaboration called the Localized Contribution Survey. The purpose of this survey was to identify local issues through research, and to develop, operate, and evaluate our unique program that contributes to solving these issues.
Specific initiatives started with interviews of local governments, neighboring companies, and their employees and panel discussions and workshops with local stakeholders. Later, the Ome District Division established the Social Contribution Promotion Committee, which played a central role in formulating the site’s unique OME VISION, leading to employees, who are also local residents, taking the initiative in contributions to the local community and raising interest in local issues. In the future, we will develop a mechanism to evaluate individual initiatives based on the OME VISION.
In addition, the model projects implemented at the Ome District Division will be implement- ed at other business sites to contribute to the sustainable development of local communities by resolving issues faced by those communities.
When grievances are voiced by governmental agencies or local communities at each site, we respond appropriately and share the information within the Company, and the details of grievances are recorded and reported to the responsible departments every six months. In FY2023, the Group received six grievance reports from local residents. All of these were handled in an appropriate manner.