Policy on Human Rights
The Sumitomo Metal Mining Group Policy on Human Rights
We, the SMM Group (hereinafter referred to as the Group), support the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and promote initiatives to respect human rights based on these principles.
Our SMM Group upholds “Coexistence with the Earth and society” and “Respect for all individuals as the basis” in our corporate philosophy. Our Group aims to focus on its social mission and responsibility as a manufacturing company, and aims to contribute to the formulation of a sustainable society by securing resources and providing society with non-ferrous metals and high-performance materials.
The Group’s long-term vision is to become a “World Leader in the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry”, and our sustainability policy upholds that we will “contribute to the development of a sustainable society, and we are working to improve both our sustainable growth as a business and our corporate value”.
From among the key social issues that are closely related to our Group, 11 material issues have been identified, including “Diverse Human Resources”, “Development and Participation of Human Resources”, “Co-Existence and Mutual Prosperity with Local Communities”, “Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights in the Supply Chain”. Our SMM Group has also formulated the “SMM Group Vision for 2030” and KPIs as milestones in its long-term vision to address these issues, and is promoting initiatives.
We will continue to follow the Sumitomo Business Spirit, which is the basis of our Group, and aim to become a company recognized by society as the “World Leader in the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry”.
1. Our Group’s approach to respect for human rights
Our Group understands that all our business activities may
directly or indirectly affect human rights.
Our Group takes utmost care not to infringe on the human
rights of all people, avoids causing or contributing to adverse
human rights impacts through our business activities, and
works towards correcting and remedying any such situation
that may arise.
Where stakeholders, in particular business partners such as
suppliers, are involved in adverse human rights impacts, the
Group encourages them not to infringe on the human rights
and cooperates with efforts for correction and remedy.
In actual efforts, we will particularly focus on the three areas of
‘’Employees’’, ‘’Local Residents and Indigenous Peoples’’ and
‘’Supply Chain (including employees therein)’’.
2. Commitments on fundamental human rights issues
- Respect for children’s rights and prohibition of child labor
We respect the fundamental human rights of children under 18 years of age and engage in relevant business activities and social contribution activities. We do not permit child labor, especially the worst forms of child labor, such as slave labor through forced recruitment in times of conflict, and labor that is harmful to the health and safety of children. - Prohibition of forced labor
We do not recognize modern slavery in the form of forced labor, debt labor (work in situations where a person is forced to work for an employer to repay a debt) and human trafficking. - Prohibition of discrimination
Discrimination, harassment and bullying on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, nationality and other factors are not permitted in employment and work situations. - Respect for basic labor rights
We respect basic labor rights (such as freedom of association and workers’ right to collective bargaining) and engage in constructive dialogue between labor and management. - Working hours and wages
We endeavor to properly manage working hours, holidays and leave in accordance with laws and regulations, including reducing excessive working hours, and we pay wages at or above the minimum wage stipulated by laws and regulations. - Occupational health and safety
We actively address to ensure a safe and healthy working environment and give top priority to safety and health for life and limb.
3. Scope of application
This policy applies to all executives and employees of the SMM Group (Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries). Our SMM Group also expects and encourages stakeholders directly linked to our operations, products or services, in particular business partners, to understand and support this policy.
4. Respect for International Norms on Human Rights
Our Group, in cooperation with its stakeholders, will address to
respect human rights in accordance with the following international
norms and standards. In addition, our Group will comply
with all applicable laws and regulations in the regions
where we operate.
In the unlikely event of a conflict between these laws and
regulations and international norms on human rights, we will
seek ways to respect international norms while complying with
the laws and regulations.
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- International Bill of Human Rights (‘’Universal Declaration of Human Rights’’, ‘’International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights’’, and ‘’International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’’)
- International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
- The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs)
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct
- OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas
- International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Mining Principles
- Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
5. Governance and Promotion Structure
The Diversity Subcommittee and the Human Rights Subcommittee, which are subordinate organizations of the Sustainability Committee chaired by the President, shall report regularly on the status of compliance with this policy and the Group’s efforts to respect human rights to the Sustainability Committee, which is overseen by the Board of Directors, and reflect this information in the Group’s business policies and procedures.
6. Human Rights Due Diligence
In accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for
Responsible Business Conduct and other guidelines, our Group
will conduct the human rights due diligence in the following
In doing so, our Group will strive to utilize the human rights
expertise and engage in meaningful consultation with
- Identify and assess adverse impacts associated with our Group’s operations, either directly or indirectly.
- Integrate the results of the assessment into the company’s processes, including allocating budgets to address any adverse impacts identified as a result of the assessment.
- Seek to cease, prevent and mitigate adverse impacts.
- Monitor and track the status of implementation and carry out assessments of the effectiveness of our Group’s initiatives.
- Disclose information on the status of the implementation and the effectiveness.
7. Grievance Mechanism
Our Group will establish a grievance mechanism that is accessible to all stakeholders, including not only employees of our Group but also employees in the supply chain, local residents and indigenous peoples, and that aims to resolve grievances by consensus through dialogue.
8. Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders
Our Group will engage in dialogue and consultation with
stakeholders, including human rights experts, labor unions,
customers and business partners, to promote comprehensive
measures based on expertise and a broad range of perspectives
for the adaption and the revision of this policy and for our
Group’s efforts to respect human rights.
In addition, we will raise awareness and provide training to
all executives and employees of our Group to promote their
understanding of this policy and their engagement in initiatives
to respect human rights.
9. Reporting and Information Disclosure
Our Group will regularly disclose the progress of its initiatives based on this policy.
This policy was formulated with the assistance of human rights experts, discussed within the Sustainability Committee of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. and approved by the Board of Directors.
Akira Nozaki
President and Representative Director
Amended on June 1, 2022