Material Issues / Governance

Business and Human Rights

Basic Approach

Business operations in resource industries require large-scale development in many instances, which means they often have significant impacts on local communities. Mineral resource development in particular poses risks of causing human rights violations including child labor. In light of these business characteristics, the SMM Group takes measures to respect the human rights of stakeholders with an emphasis on local residents and indigenous peoples, employees in the supply chain, and our Group employees.
Our Group supports the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and our Group Corporate Philosophy espouses “respect for all individuals” as its foundation. In accordance with our Group’s human rights policy, we promote initiatives to uphold human rights, including the implementation of due diligence and the operation of grievance (remedy) mechanisms.

Management Framework

The Diversity Subcommittee and the Human Rights Subcommittee, which are subordinate organizations of the Sustainability Committee overseen by the Board of Directors and chaired by the president, report regularly to the Committee on their activities and reflect them in the Group policies and procedures to promote initiatives. Regarding the human rights of employees of the SMM Group, the Diversity Subcommittee, with the Human Resources Department serving as its secretariat, works with business divisions and operational divisions in the Head Office to address human rights issues through our organizational structure.
Regarding the human rights of local residents and indigenous peoples, and supply chain (including employees therein), the Human Rights Subcommittee, with the Sustainability Department serving as its secretariat, works with business divisions and operational divisions in the Head Office to address each group of stakeholders.

■ Management Framework Chart
■ Business and Human Rights Initiatives Process

Initiatives relating to business and human rights based on the UN Guiding Principles are organized in the figure below. The SMM Group conducts due diligence and operates a grievance mechanism in accordance with our human rights policy and discloses the details in sustainability reports and other formats.

The Sumitomo Metal Mining Group Policy on Human Rights

In 2022, the SMM Group revised its human rights policy. The revised policy sets forth the Group’s commitments on fundamental human rights issues, including respect for children’s rights and prohibition of child labor, and prohibition of discrimination, harassment, and bullying on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, and other factors. We are also committed to respecting human rights based on international norms such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Core Labor Standards (10 conventions in five areas: effective approval of freedom of association and workers’ right to collective bargaining; prohibition of all forms of forced labor; effective elimination of child labor; elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation; safe and healthy working environment). In the unlikely event of a conflict between applicable laws and regulations and international norms on human rights in the regions in which we operate, we seek ways to respect international norms while complying with the laws and regulations.

Human Rights Due Diligence

Our Group conducts human rights due diligence (DD) in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, and other standards.

Grievance Mechanism

With respect to complaint handling (grievance) mechanisms, the Group established an internal reporting system for Group employees. We also have a platform operated by a third-party available for use even by outside stakeholders as a grievance mechanism. This platform is provided by the Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), which was established in 2022. SMM participates in JaCER as a founding member (regular member). JaCER is an organization that aims to support and promote the redress of grievances of member companies from a professional standpoint by providing a non-judicial Engagement and Remedy Platform for grievance redress based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. They also established an Advisory Board consisting of external experts and an Advisory and Mediation Panel and Investigation Panel consisting of independent experts.

  • Grievances received by JaCER about the Group: 0 (FY2023)


Human Rights of Employees

Approach and Policy

The SMM Group takes action in accordance with its human rights policy to prevent not just violations of human rights, such as child labor and occupational health and safety at Group mines, smelters, and other facilities, but also the occurrence of workplace discrimination and harassment.

In-House Education on Human Rights

Setting December of every year as Human Rights Month, we undertake human rights training throughout our Group. We conducted e-learning on the human rights policy revised in FY2022, and we are conducting human rights training with “embracing diversity in creating workplaces where all employees can actively participate” as the themes for 2022 to 2024.

Surveys on Employee Human Rights and Corrective Action

We conduct surveys (employment environment surveys) on topics including harassment and communication issues for our Group in Japan. Based on surveys conducted through questionnaires, we conduct interviews as necessary and take action to correct problems. In FY 2023 the Group executed surveys at two domestic sites.