Promotion Structure
■ Promotion Structure
Company-wide Group on Human Resources
With the executive officer in charge of the Human Resources Department as the Chair and the General Manager of the Human Resources Department as the Deputy Chair, the Company-wide Group on Human Resources is placed within the Corporate Value Enhancement Strategic Committee to link management strategy with human resources strategy. In addition to promoting the rational assignment of human resources, the group engages in discussions of cross-company human resources strategies related to the securing, fostering, and utilization of human capital, including the systematic development of the next generation of management and future managers. It meets one or more times per quarter.
Diversity Subcommittee
With the Human Resources Department as its secretariat, the Diversity Subcommittee engages in discussions and confirmation of progress on KPIs, placing a particular focus on diversity within the area of human resources utilization. It is composed of members from other departments and meets two or more times per year.
Meeting of General and Section Managers in Charge of Human Resources
Led by the Human Resources Department, this Meeting of General and Section Managers in Charge of Human Resources at all Group business sites in Japan meets one or two times per year to update and share information on matters including legal revisions, human resources, and organizational management trends, as well as to align awareness of human resources issues and determine policies concerning new initiatives. Its main agenda items include legal and systemic revisions, issues related to the securing, fostering, and utilization of human capital and future measures to address these, and measures undertaken by business sites. Following conference meetings, we connect discussions to the study and execution of effective personnel measures at sites.
Central Labor-Management Meeting
The Central Labor-Management meeting is held at least once a year to contribute to trouble-free discussions and negotiations between labor and management and to the stability of labor-management relations. Participating parties include all officers, including the president, on the company side, and the Federation of Sumitomo Metal Mining Workers Unions and all company union committee chairs on the union side. We explain the Company’s business situation and outlook to the union and engage in active exchanges of opinions with union executives.
Local Labor-Management Discussions
Local Labor-Management meetings are arranged one or more times per month as venues to regularly explain our business situation to labor unions (company unions and chapters) and employee representatives, and to collect opinions and requests from employees. In response to requests regarding occupational health and safety and improvements to work, we perform checks of situations and then enact necessary improvement measures.
Labor-Management Committees
The labor-management committees are charged with implementation when details of matters discussed between labor and management are investigated and studied, or when the effectiveness of the matters that have already been decided and put into operation are subjected to verification. The committees are formed for a given length of time as necessary, with their conclusions reported to labor-management representatives.
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