
Our Corporate Philosophy calls for recognizing the dignity and value of people based on respect for all individuals. The SMM Group Code of Conduct, which summarizes specific standards of conduct for officers and employees in achieving that respect for individuals, stipulates that we “accept diversity and respect the individuality and rights of people.” The Sumitomo Metal Mining Group Policy on Human Rights declares that we will not allow discrimination, harassment, or bullying on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disabilities, nationality, or other characteristics in employment and work scenarios. Viewing diverse human resources and the development and participation of human resources as material issues, we aim to be “a company where all employees can take a vibrant and active part” as our Vision for 2030.
Perspectives and ways of thinking differ by individual, and values and criteria for judgment change with the environment and the times. For these reasons, it is important that we accept the differences among diverse members, accept one another, and work together while respecting and making use of individuals’ characteristics. To do so, we must make continuous efforts as individuals and organizations on a basis of mutual trust, thereby realizing diversity and inclusion, creating new wisdom, and becoming an organization capable of advancing growth strategies.
In order for diverse members to work together with motivation, in addition to the development of working environments and systems, since FY2017 we have worked to create an open and vibrant organizational climate* while fairly providing opportunities. We believe that under an open and vibrant organizational climate, every individual will respect the backgrounds of others regardless of differences and will engage in competitive hard work together with open discussion and generation of ideas.

Open and Vibrant Organizational Climate

  • Employees are able to convey their thoughts and insights without concern over differences among individuals, such as superior/ subordinate relationships, senior/junior employee relationships, or gender
  • Employees welcome new ideas and challenges
  • Employees make what is right, not who is involved, their criteria for judgments Assumption: Organizational policies, targets, regulations, and rules are shared.

To activate the goodness of the organizational climate that was rooted in our Company, we have again put this into words and communicated it to employees

Initiatives toward Gender Balance (women’s active engagement)

To realize our Vision for 2030 to create workplaces where diverse human resources can play vibrant and active roles, we have set “number and percentage of female SMM managers” and “number and percentage of female SMM employees” as KPIs. In FY2022, the percentage of female SMM managers was 2.9% (20 employees) and the percentage of female SMM employees was 12.9% (445 employees), both figures having increased from the previous year. We have formulated an action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life* and are working to achieve our goals. Furthermore, through various measures such as proactive recruitment, appointment to a wide range of positions, and training of female leaders, we are making efforts toward furthering the active engagement of women.

Enacted in 2016 with the aim of realizing a society in which women can fully demonstrate their individuality and abilities, this law stipulates the responsibilities of the national government, local governments, and general business owners with regard to the promotion of women’s active engagement

■ Our Company’s Action Plan Based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (period of plan: April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2024)
Number of female managers 20 or more
Percentage of paid leave taken 80% or more
Enact measures to support balance according to life stage
■ Number and Percentage of Female Managers
■ Number and Percentage of Female Employees

Fair Systems of Evaluation and Treatment

Based on the Sumitomo Metal Mining Group Policy on Human Rights, we comply with laws and regulations concerning compensation, including the minimum wages established by countries and regions. In Japan, we have entered into an agreement with the Federation of Sumitomo Metal Mining Workers Unions on internal minimum wages that exceed region- and industry-specific minimum wages set under the Minimum Wage Act, as we work to improve the treatment of employees.
We have also introduced an evaluation and compensation system free of distinctions or difference based on gender and age, with compensation determined by individuals’ roles and achievements. The ratios of female-to-male compensation for non-limited-term employees in FY2022 were 100:165 for base salary and 100:149 for total compensation. We believe that this difference between male and female stems from the facts that the number of years of service is longer for male employees and the percentage of females in managerial positions is lower. To eliminate the difference, we will improve our retention rate for female employees and raise the percentage of female managers to an appropriate level.

■ Ratios of Female-to-Male Base Salary and Total Compensation (FY2022)
  • 1.Scope: Non-limited-term employees of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (including short-time workers)
  • 2.Total compensation includes base salary, overtime pay, allowances for housing, family, commuting, etc., and excludes payments to employees who resigned

Training for the Development of Female Leaders

As the number of female managerial track employees in our Company is relatively small, in addition to training in line with our Company-wide human resource development program, we identify female employees who are expected to play future roles as leaders and send them to exchange meetings of nine companies in different industries. Our aim is for the employees to encounter different corporate cultures, expand their horizons, and acquire the practical skills required of leaders by tackling issues together with female employees of the same generation from other companies.

Training for Female Core Track Employees

From FY2019, we have selected female core track employees to participate in our Career Coaching School, which is aimed at the creation of an autonomous career mindset and the enhancement of basic business capabilities. From FY2022, we have been expanding the pool of eligible employees and have held the training under two categories: “Career design training for employees in their 30s” and “Business basics enhancement training.”

Promotion of Employment for People with Disabilities

In addition to career recruitment, every year since FY2019 we have accepted students from special support schools near our workplaces to take part in workplace experiences. By deepening understanding of our workplaces and work through the experience, we are increasing the number of students who feel confident in joining our Company. To support retention, we arrange meetings with human resource staff one and three months after joining the company and every six months thereafter to eliminate job-related anxieties and problems and to offer lifestyle-related support as needed, strengthening linkage with our employment support. Every year since FY2020, we have offered internships for university students with disabilities and actively recruited these students at workplaces that can make use of their expertise and characteristics.
From the standpoint of undertaking reasonable considerations, we install PATLITE lighting systems on all floors to enhance visual communication for deaf employees, make use of speech recognition software, hold in-house sign language classes and workshops allowing non-disabled employees to experience simulated disabilities, eliminate level differences inside facilities, and make improvements to restrooms. By acting under the idea of normalization to create environments in which people with and without disabilities can work together, we are steadily increasing our percentage of employees with disabilities. As of June 2023, our percentage of employees with disabilities was 2.59%, which exceeds the statutory rate of 2.3%.

■ Number and Percentage of Employees with Disabilities* over the Past Five Years
  • Data is as of June 1 for each fiscal year, covering employees of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.

The number of employees with disabilities is calculated according to methods prescribed in the relevant laws

Increase in Foreign Employees

Foreign employees in managerial track positions in our Company numbered 14 at the end of FY2022, an increase of 2 from the previous year. By content of work, these employees are divided roughly equally between technical occupations (research and development, engineering, manufacturing divisions, etc.) and clerical occupations (business divisions, corporate divisions, etc.), and are active in a range of workplaces and job categories.
In FY2022, we conducted a questionnaire to assess issues faced by foreign employees, along with interviews with those who wanted them, feedback to superiors, and hearings on issues. By holding round-table discussions with foreign employees in our Company and communicating the content through our Group in-house bulletins, we make all employees aware of the activities of our global human resources and internally raise awareness of the importance of creating workplace environments in which everyone can play active roles. In FY2023, we will study measures to address the issues identified in FY2022 and will undertake initiatives to expand the number of foreign employees in managerial track positions.

LGBT-related Initiatives

Our Sumitomo Metal Mining Group Policy on Human Rights prohibits harassment and discriminatory treatment on the basis of sexual orientation. From FY2018 to 2020, we held workshops aimed at deepening understanding of LGBT issues. In FY2020, we began training for executive officers and managers aimed at promoting understanding of changes in the external environment and of LGBT issues, and have since been gradually expanding the target groups for the training.