Engagement with Stakeholders

Implementation and Results of the Employee Awareness Survey

The SMM Group has commissioned a specialized external organization to conduct employee awareness surveys in order to measure the satisfaction and engagement of its employees, who are important stakeholders, and to create a better company and workplace. These surveys have been conducted every three years since FY2010, with the fifth survey conducted in FY2021. The survey covered 5,153 people from 10 companies,* with a total of 141 questions, and a response rate of 94.4%. Their purpose is to gain a quantitative understanding of how employee awareness has changed over the three years since the previous survey and what kind of awareness employees currently have about working at the Company, and to use this information to develop management measures to create an even better company and workplace.
The results of this survey are fed back to top management, general managers of departments and divisions at the head office, heads of business divisions and business sites, presidents of Group companies, labor unions, etc. For directly controlled business sites, Group companies, and other sites, we disclose data by site to help improve management at each site. In FY2022, we held approximately 30 feedback briefings on the results of the FY2021 survey. The survey results and explanatory articles are published in in-house magazine for employees to read.
In order to make more effective use of the employee awareness survey, the frequency of the survey will be increased from every three years to annually starting in FY2023, and the survey content and feedback methods will be revised.

  • Companies surveyed: Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., Sumiko Logistics Co., Ltd., Hyuga Smelting Co., Ltd., Sumiko Energy Materials Co., Ltd., Ohkuchi Electronics Co., Ltd., Sumiko Kunitomi Electronics Co., Ltd., Ohkuchi Materials Co., Ltd., Shinko Co., Ltd., Sumiko Techno-Research Co., Ltd, Sumitomo Metal Mining Siporex Co., Ltd.

Results of employee awareness survey

Q. Are you proud of being an employee for Sumitomo Metal Mining?

Q. Do you think your company is an attractive workplace for you?