Financial Information

Segment Information

Last Update : June, 2023

Mineral Resources Segment

Net Sales

Segment Profit

Note) Changes in allocation of “Diff. Adjustment“ applied in FY2021 were retroactively applied to segment profit of FY2020.

Smelting & Refining Segment

Net Sales

Segment Profit

Note) Changes in allocation of “Diff. Adjustment“ applied in FY2021 were retroactively applied to segment profit of FY2020.

Materials Segment

Net Sales

Segment Profit

Note) Changes in allocation of “Diff. Adjustment“ applied in FY2021 were retroactively applied to segment profit of FY2020.

Note)Inter-segment transactions take place, and the figures released by SMM for sales are total external sales with inter-segment transaction removed. Sales for each business and segment income show the amount prior to removal of inter-segment transaction.